Seamlessly Apply CI/CD And Test Automation Within Your DevOps Ecosystem February 7, 2018 2:00 p.m. ET #SQAWebinars07Feb2018

Seamlessly Apply CI/CD And Test Automation Within Your DevOps Ecosystem February 7, 2018 2:00 p.m. ET  #SQAWebinars07Feb2018

Click Here or URL is this What You Get? Why test automation is pivotal for successful CI/CD How team-centric build tools work in conjunction with development and test automation How application-centric deployment pipelines drive “full stack” automation Sponsor: Speaker: Julian Fish

Using JMeter to Load Test REST APIs January 24 2018 at 1:00pm ET

Using JMeter to Load Test REST APIs  January 24 2018 at 1:00pm ET

Click Here or URL is What you get? Creating a JMeter script and generating load on a REST API Understanding basic JMeter elements and the difference between JMeter variables and JMeter properties Using several key JMeter components including the If Controller, Loop Controller, Regular Expression Extractor, View Results Tree, JSR223 Elements (with Groovy Scripting), and Constant Throughput Timer Uploading your JMeter script to BlazeMeter and analyzing the test results Sponsor: Blazemeter #sqawebinars24jan2018

How to develop and run Appium tests directly from Eclipse, January 24 2018, 2 pm EST

How to develop and run Appium tests directly from Eclipse, January 24 2018, 2 pm EST

Click to Register or URL is What you get? Develop stable Appium tests directly from within your Eclipse IDE Avoid flaky tests and ensure robust test suits with visual validation tools Increase your automation coverage for complex scenarios Test on numerous physical devices and OS and speed up feedback with large scale parallel execution on a digital assurance lab Speed up feedback and root cause analysis with reports and analytics Speakers: Guy Arieli       And Sheli Ashkenazi Sponsors: #SQAWebinars24Jan2018

Test Automation During Sprint..Every Agile SQA Manager Wants To Know…

Test Automation During Sprint..Every Agile SQA Manager Wants To Know…

Is It Really Possible to Automate Stories During the Sprint? This is a very common question or worry for any SQA Manager who has worked in Old waterfall, spiral or hybrid models. Now The Latest Model is Agile. How to cope up? What to do? The Demand and Need of the Hour is to have a story for automation as well and nip it. What is the Real Answer? This is what we at SQAWebinars recommend based on learning and speaking with at-least 43 SQA Automation Managers……. Create a story for any and every automation task and put the hours on your board or tool. Target and Aim to automate in the same sprint. The automated task for every story […]

20 + World-Leading Test Automation Experts online session January 8-10th 10AM-6PM (EST) 2018

20 + World-Leading Test Automation Experts online session January 8-10th 10AM-6PM (EST) 2018

Most Awaited Expert Session that begins with the dawn of 2018. Join via US and get a 10% discount on the Price..Code mentioned at the end of this page… We highly recommend this online Epic Test Automation Conference where the Best Automation Experts of The Industry will be Sharing their experiences. A very good way to start your year 2018 on a highly knowledgeable and technical note. Get into 2018 #HighlyTechnical. Click Here To Register This is a paid Automation Conference 197 USD and 10% off if you join using our promo code. Conference Schedule: Day 1 Schedule Jan 8 2018 Gil Tayar, Applitools 10:00 – 10:55 Not Only Cars:“AI, Please Test My Apps” Richard Bradshaw,Ministry Of Testing 11:00 – […]

Better Test Design For Great Test Automation Jan 9, 2018-11am EST

Better Test Design  For Great  Test Automation  Jan 9, 2018-11am EST

Time 11 AM EST Click Here To Register What You Get? How better test designs will result in much-improved test automation and can make the difference between automation success and failure. See why successful automated testing is not so much a technical challenge as it is a test design challenge. Share a template you can follow to get your tests organized and ready for efficient automation. Whether you work on a traditional or agile project, join this webinar to learn about techniques—action-based testing, behavior-driven development, and exploratory testing—that can help you achieve better test design and great automation. Speaker: Hans Buwalda,LogiGear

How to create Automated GUI Tests for QT and QML Applications: Jan 10 2018

How to create Automated GUI Tests for QT and QML Applications: Jan 10 2018

10:00am CET Click To Register What You Get? – How to test Qt and QML Applications – How to create & execute automated tests across multi-platforms – The importance of true object-level access in automated GUI testing – How to interact with Qt objects, widgets, properties & the API – How to create tests that continue to work as your product evolves

Codeless Selenium Test Automation-KiwiQA and TestCraft

Codeless Selenium Test Automation-KiwiQA and TestCraft

December 13, 2017, 9:00 am (PST) URL To Register What you get? The advantages of manual testing you should preserve when transferring into automation The complexities of setting up automation framework How you can use all the advantages of Selenium test automation while avoiding the pitfalls that are failing many automation projects How to create automated test scenarios without writing a line of code How to maintain tests upon changes in the app How to automatically apply the changes to all existing tests How to incorporate different data sets How to re-use test elements Learn how you can turn your manual test operation into an automated one, without the complexities of building an automation framework or hiring test developers. Speakers: […]

12 Dec 2017 Webinar: 2018 TEST AUTOMATION TRENDS

12 Dec 2017 Webinar: 2018 TEST AUTOMATION TRENDS

EXPERTS DISCUSS MUST-HAVE TOOLS AND SKILLS REQUIRED TO ROCK 2018 Dec 12, 2017,10 am PT URL to register…Click Here What you get? Top test automation strategies for 2018 Big opportunities in test automation AI automation: how is it going to affect you and how to prepare for it Tools and technologies you should get familiar with right now Speakers: JOE COLANTONIO ANGIE JONES JASON ARBON GIL TAYAR