#SQAWebinars909: Using Big Data Analysis to Reduce Test Flakiness, Jan 20, 2022

Jan 20 2022, 8.30pm IST
What You Gain From This Webinar:
- Why Is Test Automation So Hard?
- Findings from the MOZ 500 Websites
- So what can we do?
- Tips and tools that help reduce test flakiness.
- Q and A
Web Sign Up | Mobile Sign Up |
Who Should Attend?
- Test Engineers- Yes
- Test Architects- Yes
- Mobile/Automation Engineers- Yes
- QA Managers- Yes
- QA Directors- Yes
- VP QA- Yes
- CTO- Yes
- Anyone who has curiosity to know about SQA/Testing Automation
– Inflectra
- Adam Sandman
Webinar Details:
#SQAWebinars20Jan2022 #SQAWebinars909