SQAWebinars776: Successful Test Automation Practices from Innovative Brands , When: 25 June 2020
June 25 2020, 11 AM PT
What You Gain:
- A collection of empirical data highlighting common practices companies are employing to obtain test automation success
- A roadmap to improve your automaton strategy over time
- Recommendations based on case studies of a variety of companies that tapQA has consulted with
- Q&A
Who Should Attend?
- Test Engineers- Yes
- Test Architects- Yes
- Mobile/Automation Engineers- Yes
- QA Managers- Yes
- QA Directors- Yes
- VP QA- Yes
- CTO- Yes
- Anyone who has curiosity to know about SQA/Testing Automation
– Angie Jones, Mike Wagner and Kirk Walton
Webinar Details:
While test automation is a struggle for many teams across the globe, there are companies that have mastered the technique and are executing a successful test automation strategy—and we can learn from them.
#SQAWebinars25Jun2020 #tapqa