SQAWebinars713: Augmenting Automated tests using Testim Actions #SQAWebinars18Mar2020

SQAWebinars713: Augmenting Automated tests using Testim Actions  #SQAWebinars18Mar2020

When: March 18 2020, 9 am PST

What You Gain:

  • Create an automated test case using recording and then walk through how you can augment your recorded test using configurable actions to make it a fully functional automated test case
  • Q&A

Sign Up

Who Should Attend?

  • Test Engineers- Yes
  • Test Architects- Yes
  • Mobile/Automation Engineers- Yes
  • QA Managers- Yes
  • QA Directors- Yes
  • VP QA- Yes
  • CTO- Yes
  • Anyone who has curiosity to know about SQA/Testing Automation




Sudhrity Mondal

Webinar Details:

Automated functional tests are typically created with scripting or by recording.

With scripting, you have full control and flexibility on what you want to run and achieve from your test. But scripting isn’t easy. A simpler approach is to author a test by recording user interactions with the application under test while the user is manually executing the test scenario. However, what you capture during recording may not be sufficient. You may need actions or test steps to handle cookies, capture data at runtime, generate an email address, take a screenshot, etc. Testing frameworks including Testim provide additional actions that you can configure and add to your recorded test to enhance its use.