Playing the Automation Tool Selection Game #smartbear #SQAWebinars22Aug2018
HASHTAG: #SQAWebinars22Aug2018 URL TO REGISTER: CLICK HERE When: Aug 22 2018, 01.00 PM CDT What You Gain: How information such as test strategy, intended audience, and environment is relevant to tool choice. Attendees will hear prerequisites to asking the “best tool” question so that they have an appropriate context in which to answer it. Introduce the notion of “most appropriate in class”. Leave this session armed with information that will enable you to have a better chance of answering the “best tool” question and not lose your bankroll. Q&A Who Should Attend? Test Engineers- Yes Test Architects- Yes Mobile/Automation Engineers- Yes QA Managers- Yes QA Directors- Yes VP QA- Yes CTO- Yes Anyone who has curiosity to know about SQA/Testing Automation […]